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Snook love the mirrodine; but what color?

Posted: Wed Apr 01, 2015 8:46 am
by CoonHound53
Went out last night again. This time I launched from a whole new spot, near the North Bridge for Siesta Key. I started about an hour before sunset, the tide was low and was incoming all night. The moon was almost full, a bit windy, but eventually calmed down and became glass. The flats and mangroves we were working were slow, I didn't see a lot of movement in the water. I can only recall 2 hits on top water, but no hook ups - which is mind boggling to me; how can a fish bite a 3 treble hook lure and not get hooked, I can barely cast without hooking something on my kayak or my shirt.... Moving on.... Once the sun set, we had a ton of dock lights to mess with. We traveled down a canal going dock light to dock light, all of them were stacked and active. Overall I caught 7 Snook, the largest being 26" and the smallest being 12", the rest were all around 20" - 23". And the only thing I used all night was a MirrOdine C-EYE Pro Series - the VS Plum Back, Chartreuse Belly, and Violet Luminescence (looked dark purple). This is a newer lure, and can be found anywhere. The snook went nuts for it!!! My friend on the other hand did not do well. He was using a MirrOdine CFPR - Chartreuse Back, Pearl Belly, and Silver Luminescence (looked green). He got a few follows, but no hook ups. It was odd, same size lure and movement, but completely different results. I can say the color really does matter. With that said, I ask my Paddle-Fish people - What does color have to do with it, and why? Obviously color has a lot to do with it, because there is a whole gamut of colors for all types of lures. But what is the science behind this? Last night the water was pretty clear, and the darker lure worked last night. We both are retrieving a lure over a green or white light, both lures looked the same to me as it moved across the light, and both were retrieved very quickly. I just wanted to see what your thoughts were on this.... Also here is the pic of the 26" last night.

Also, here is my sad face when he shook out of my hands and back in the water.


Re: Snook love the mirrodine; but what color?

Posted: Wed Apr 01, 2015 2:19 pm
by fishshooter99
Great report and nice pictures. Thanks for sharing.

Re: Snook love the mirrodine; but what color?

Posted: Thu Apr 02, 2015 6:14 am
by sfurman
Nice job. :cheers: