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Tarpon Fishing Is Great Out There Right Now

Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2014 11:43 am
by Manning
Went tarpon fishing with Jeff Martin and Shamus this morning. The water conditions were absolutely perfect. It started off a little slow, but at about 8:30 it really turned on. Jeff jumped 3 fish which was great as this was his first trip out. I jumped 2 and had 3 more make runs at my bait. Shamus will have to add his part of the story. He fished a ways away from Jeff and I and I forgot what he told me about how he did. There was lots of action out there and I finished it off by catching this 40 inch king fish.

Re: Tarpon Fishing Is Great Out There Right Now

Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2014 12:26 pm
by shamus
The fellow I wrote about yesterday brought his yound son with him. We statred talking and his line starts screaming off his reel. He had a few too many rods and a kid in the front of his Native so I decided to shadow him. My pinish was still very frisky so I choose to cast it out to my port side so he'd be out of the way. The new guys Tarpon threw the hook after a few jumps and we were saying "Thats Tarpon fishing". I felt my rod twitch and looked to see where my float was. It was no where to be seen. Now I found that very odd because I had just tossed it out. It should have been right there. Then I saw it. It was right where I put it only 6' higher and attached to about a 70 lb Tarpon. No harm done I just pointed my rod at the flying fish and bowed to the King. The Tarpon landed on the line a we parted company. A little kids eyes get real big when he has 2 Tarpon come flying out of the water 10 feet off his bow.

Re: Tarpon Fishing Is Great Out There Right Now

Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2014 5:21 pm
by Mark R
shamus wrote:The fellow I wrote about yesterday brought his yound son with him. We statred talking and his line starts screaming off his reel. He had a few too many rods and a kid in the front of his Native so I decided to shadow him. My pinish was still very frisky so I choose to cast it out to my port side so he'd be out of the way. The new guys Tarpon threw the hook after a few jumps and we were saying "Thats Tarpon fishing". I felt my rod twitch and looked to see where my float was. It was no where to be seen. Now I found that very odd because I had just tossed it out. It should have been right there. Then I saw it. It was right where I put it only 6' higher and attached to about a 70 lb Tarpon. No harm done I just pointed my rod at the flying fish and bowed to the King. The Tarpon landed on the line a we parted company. A little kids eyes get real big when he has 2 Tarpon come flying out of the water 10 feet off his bow.
Cool! :thumbright:

Re: Tarpon Fishing Is Great Out There Right Now

Posted: Fri Jul 11, 2014 11:19 am
by shamus
Now that was a fun day
5 hookups 2 that I got to fight
one took me for a little ride
and to top it all off I scared some tourist when I screamed Motherfucker !!! when they broke off.
Caught them on pin fish, crabs and greenbacks
Thanks to Manning for the shadow. However he has a horrible bedside manner. The entire time you fight a fish he keeps telling you about the one who broke a leader of the one that threw a hook. "Always with the Negative waves" (10 bonus points for anyone who can name the movie)

Re: Tarpon Fishing Is Great Out There Right Now

Posted: Fri Jul 11, 2014 12:43 pm
by justabucup
Kelley's Hero's Oddball.

Re: Tarpon Fishing Is Great Out There Right Now

Posted: Fri Jul 11, 2014 4:00 pm
by Norm
shamus wrote:Now that was a fun day
5 hookups 2 that I got to fight
one took me for a little ride
and to top it all off I scared some tourist when I screamed Motherfucker !!! when they broke off.
Caught them on pin fish, crabs and greenbacks
Thanks to Manning for the shadow. However he has a horrible bedside manner. The entire time you fight a fish he keeps telling you about the one who broke a leader of the one that threw a hook. "Always with the Negative waves" (10 bonus points for anyone who can name the movie)
Now isn't that just like a liberal.... :lol:

Re: Tarpon Fishing Is Great Out There Right Now

Posted: Fri Jul 11, 2014 6:59 pm
by Manning
Norm, you should have seen it out there this morning. Both Rik and Uncle Tommy were sitting to the LEFT of me. Would not have believed it if I hadn't seen it. :shock:

Re: Tarpon Fishing Is Great Out There Right Now

Posted: Fri Jul 11, 2014 7:31 pm
by Norm
Manning wrote:Norm, you should have seen it out there this morning. Both Rik and Uncle Tommy were sitting to the LEFT of me. Would not have believed it if I hadn't seen it. :shock:
A picture of that would have made it more believable. ... :lol:

Re: Tarpon Fishing Is Great Out There Right Now

Posted: Sat Jul 12, 2014 10:32 am
by shamus
Would this help Norm

Re: Tarpon Fishing Is Great Out There Right Now

Posted: Sat Jul 12, 2014 10:35 am
by shamus
or is this what your looking for?

Re: Tarpon Fishing Is Great Out There Right Now

Posted: Sat Jul 12, 2014 12:35 pm
by shamus
Kelley's Hero's Oddball.
We have a winner!

Re: Tarpon Fishing Is Great Out There Right Now

Posted: Sat Jul 12, 2014 2:28 pm
by DaveR
Ok. You have the big fish award so far this year. I got the numbers but you got the biggun. Till tomorrow you Irish sonofabitch!
By the way. That's a beauty.

Re: Tarpon Fishing Is Great Out There Right Now

Posted: Sat Jul 12, 2014 3:00 pm
by shamus
They came in with a whimper but are going out with a roar.

Re: Tarpon Fishing Is Great Out There Right Now

Posted: Sat Jul 12, 2014 3:09 pm
by DaveR
An epic resuscitation effort I'm told. Good man.