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Have you ever been shocked by your fishing rod?

Posted: Thu Aug 22, 2013 5:29 pm
by TerryW
No, I don't mean shocked at what it does or does not catch. I mean shocked as in static electricity.

It happened to me on the beach the other evening. I shouldn't have been out there but the storms were over ten miles away, probably fifteen or so. Yes, I know that lightning can strike up to 50 miles from a thunderstorm. I have always loved fishing before and after a storm and in the rain.

I had decided to go in and put my second hand on the rod when I received one of those shocks like you get in winter time from touching a door knob. Maybe I was too dumb to be fishing at that time, but I was smart enough to know to get the heck outta dodge. I bolted before a bolt could get me. Duh, Dubya, don't fish when there are storms in the area!

Re: Have you ever been shocked by your fishing rod?

Posted: Fri Aug 23, 2013 6:27 am
by sfurman
I have been shocked pretty good twice by lightning. Once when a storm came up on me when I was working on my car and I grabbed the hood with my left hand and the prop rod with my right hand to lower the hood and a lightning bolt hit the power pole in my front yard and it shocked me so hard I dropped the hood. The second time I was in my little sail boat, again a storm came up and we made it to the ramp, got the boat loaded and as I was lowering the mast again, a bolt hit not too far off and zapped the crap out of me only this time I didn’t drop the mast, I just encouraged my friend to hurry up and get the clevis pin out of the front stay so I could get this lightning rod out away.

I also witnessed a guy get the heck shocked out of him by his rod, we were standing on the sea wall in Bahia Honda and there were some folks fishing. A nice thunder storm was rolling in and the light show was cool. A bolt hit close by and most of us moved under the bridge except for this one determined fisherman. Suddenly a bolt struck the bridge embankment right over our heads, rocks and debris rained down on the ground from the explosion, it literally sounded like a stick of dynamite went off. I think everyone of us jumped 4’ off the ground and this moron comes running in under the bridge waving his arms screaming “I just got struck by lightning!” we were all laughing so hard it was hysterical. He actually bent the rod handle at a 90 degree angle when he got shocked.

Re: Have you ever been shocked by your fishing rod?

Posted: Mon Aug 26, 2013 5:47 am
by rich
We were fishing down in ten thousand islands one time when a thunderstorm rolled in we could hear what sounded like buzzing coming off our rod tips then we noticed our line started slowly lifting up off the water. We got our rods in and laid them on the deck of the boat just before a bolt hit the mangroves behind us. We were a good 10 miles from the ramp I made it back as quick as I could to get off the water.

Another time we were fishing Weedon island and a storm started coming up the bay we waited for the last minute to head back across the bay to the ramp because the fish had just turned on (stupid). Half way across the bay we come up on this 22' boat dead in the water with two couples in it they had ran out of gas and asked for a tow. I had a 16' center console with a 60 horse motor and 4 guys on board. We threw them a rope and started heading toward Picnic Island as we are plowing thru the chop a bolt hit within probably 20 yards of the boat but it felt like it was right beside us. Everyone hit the deck and I looked back and couldn't see a single head in the boat behind us because they had all done the same thing.

Re: Have you ever been shocked by your fishing rod?

Posted: Mon Aug 26, 2013 8:27 am
by Pirogue
Not by my fishing rod. But, like Sfurman, I have been hit by lightning through my truck.

It was a torrential downpour at the Town Center Mall in Boca Raton. I got out of my work van, and while standing in ankle deep water, a lightning bolt hit about 50 ft away from me at the same time I was slamming the door shut. The hit I took rivaled any shocks I have taken in my career as an electrician. Including the numbness afterwards.

Not fun.

Re: Have you ever been shocked by your fishing rod?

Posted: Mon Aug 26, 2013 9:20 am
by TerryW
I've read about the line buzzing & the line floating or lift off the water. My line was in when I was shocked.
It really is surprising that more anglers don't get seriously injured by lightning in Florida! It's a bad feeling to be out in the boat in open water when a storm comes close.

Re: Have you ever been shocked by your fishing rod?

Posted: Mon Aug 26, 2013 9:24 am
by jbdba01
If you live in FL you have a lightning story...

My father-in-law has been hit 4 times. Last time he was driving down 75 when his truck got nailed - fried everything electronically in it. $17K later (ins covers it) he got a new truck.

My story was in the Everglades and we were out shooting shotguns. I was reloading - pointing the gun straight up (of course) when I saw my buddies hair starting to stand on end. I started to crack up when BAM...the only scraggly 20' pine tree within miles was hit. The bolt then ran to an old bulldozer. Two people were knocked down. Talk about your "bolts out of the blue" - it that was clear air lightning. I hate that crap - we had some over here just a couple weeks ago.

My brother had the rod humming and line going up stuff...pretty scary stuff. I try to avoid that situation as much as possible.

TPA - lightning capital of the nation.

Re: Have you ever been shocked by your fishing rod?

Posted: Tue Aug 27, 2013 2:31 pm
by Norm
Considering most of our rods contain a good deal of is like carrying around a lightning rod. My brother was walking from his outside garage across about 50 yards to his house...felt the hair go up on his neck and before he could react...lightning struck an oak tree about 20 yards away... knocked his glasses off and him to the ground.
The hair standing up, the rods buzzing, the line lifting is all a result of intense static electricity....time to hit the deck if you can. Don't know how much it helps but if I have a storm nearby....I lay my rods down in the boat ....I don't want anything sticking up in the air. :shock:

Re: Have you ever been shocked by your fishing rod?

Posted: Tue Aug 27, 2013 7:48 pm
by FrankC
I have seen pictures of graphite rods hit by lightening, and they basically explode. Mine go down just as Norm's do.