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Red Pizza, White Pizza with Brined wings !

Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2012 3:44 pm
by Mark R
After making the dough. (recipe below)
We start off browning some Chicken, Feta and Spinach sausage for the white pizza.

Then browning some Jimmie Dean clone breakfast sausage for the red pizza.

Took some wings and brined them for about 4 hours. Drained and dried them , then coated them with 50/50 mix of toasted sesame oil and EVOO.

Coated half with Herb's Herbs Rub, the other half with Mad Hunky Rub and the ones in the middle got both! Puttum in de frige to rest!

Now we puts the white dough with home made Alfredo Sauce, fresh Mozzarella, spinach, sliced green tomatoes and sliced tomatillos on the pre-heated pizza stone to warm up.

Then add the chix sausage to the top. (Almost fergot)

After 18 minutes @475°, time to go fo a rest!

Now the red pizza goes on. The homemade sauce was a little thinner than usual so it stuck a bit to the peel. We gotts red ooyion, red maters, red peppers(bell), fresh mozzarella, JD clone sausage and sauce!

Then we adds the wings around the stone. Ya can see the difference in the color of the rubs.

A sliced white pizza, (color not right).

The red pizza is restin and time to pull de wangs.

This is the red pizza restin with the wings.

A plate of white pizza, red pizza, Herb's wings and Hunky wings.


I did Herb's wings beside the Hunky wings for a bench mark. Herb's is new to me. They both GuuD! Herb's a little hotter/spicier but next time I would add some peppa...some kind, I like them hot. As far as a comparison they both are really good, very different - different tools fer the box!!

Alfredo sauce
2 1/2 cups heavy cream
1/2 cup fresh lemon juice
12 tablespoons unsalted butter
2 cups grated Parmesan
Salt and freshly ground white pepper


Stir 2 cups of the cream and the lemon juice in a heavy large skillet to blend. Add the butter and cook over medium heat just until the butter melts, stirring occasionally, about 3 minutes. Remove from the heat.

Add the remaining 1/2 cup of cream, and Parmesan to the cream sauce in the skillet. Add the white pepper. Stir over low heat until the sauce thickens slightly, about 1 minute.

Pizza Dough and sauce (Vlap's)
(Hey I fergot to mention, I cut the pizza dough in half to make two pizzas from this recipe. You can make one if you like a real thick crust.)

3 1/2 cups flour
1 cup warm water
2 teaspoons yeast
2 tablespoons honey
1/4 cup olive oil
1/2 teaspoon salt

Pour warm water into a bowl. The water should be about 85 to 115° F. Test it with your hand. It should feel very warm, but comfortable. Add the honey and salt. Mix by and hand (or any other method) until well blended. Add the yeast and mix some more. Let this mixture sit for about 5 minutes. Add 1 cup of flour and the olive oil and mix until well blended. Add the rest of the flour (and any other additions) and mix well. The dough should turn into a ball. If the dough does not ball up because it's too dry, add water one tablespoon at a time until it does. If your mixture is more like a batter, add flour one tablespoon at a time. Adding water or flour as needed to get the right consistency will assure you always get a perfect dough. Just remember to do it in small amounts.

Once the dough is balled up, place the ball on a floured board and knead for about a minute. This builds the gluten which helps the dough to rise and become fluffy when cooked. Place the dough in a plastic grocery bag or a covered bowl and store in a warm, dry area to rise.

After about 45 minutes the dough should have about doubled in size. Show it who's boss and punch it down. That's right, give it a good smack so it deflates. Let it rise for another hour to an hour and a half. The dough is now ready to be rolled out. You can punch the dough down one more time if you want and wait another hour or two before rolling out. The choice is yours.

Sauce *(I add 2 Tbs honey to the sauce)*(I use my own canned maters too)

16 oz. Organic Crushed Tomatos
Italian Herbs to taste
Salt and pepper to taste.
Splash of balsamic vinegar.

Toppings your choice.