MacDill Follow Up - and a question about redfish...

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MacDill Follow Up - and a question about redfish...

Post by jbdba01 »

Based on this thread I signd up for MacDill general fishing.

For what it's worth this is what I found and did:

1) the session was limited to 40 boats a day
2) kayaking that area would have been better - I had planned on doing a hybrid (ferry kayak in powerboat), but that would have required 2 flags and sign ins. Something I neglected to do.
3) I picked up my flag at the visitor center early (Friday) - that way I didn't have to sign in at 6:30am Sun
4) next time I'll sign up early to fish on Sat (I think the fish were freaked out on Sunday)

Some quick thoughts:

1) if you go be prepared to be somewhat frustrated - although I do not "own the water" I figured if people saw me drifting they wouldn't power up to 50-100yards in front of me and then get in the same drift line; a bit of courtesy would have been nice; basically they cut me off and then I ended up fishing water that had already been fished
2) be prepared for people to motor through "your drift line" - sometimes more than once in 5 minutes; sometimes the same person
3) the reds were really skitish and any motor turned on spooked them out; after 10 to 15 min they would calm down
4) be prepared to be boarded by FWC - no issues with that, but just have your stuff ready

All that said, Wonderboy and I had a good time and we :

- slayed the trout (probably over 25), I would estimate 8-10 were > 19"; and I lost a biggie at the boat (gator trout continue to be my nemesis)
- got on some jacks - if you get on one be prepared with a second rod; we had a huge red and big trout following the jack when brought to the boat
- got on about 7 reds (question to follow below), and landed 4
- if you really want some "fun", bring a shark rod; in the "deep" water (4-6') we had them at the boat in about 90 seconds after we brought in the jacks; most were < 7-8'; one was a bull for sure, the others not quite sure
- we hammered the puffer & ladyfish - "oh the drama"

We really struggled with the early bite, but in the afternoon we figured out the pattern. The question/issue I have is when using a mirrodine I lost several redfish, and of those landed, only 1 had the lure completely in it's mouth; whereas the gold spoon was always hooked in the mouth. Perhaps it was retrieve for the mirrodine, (jerk pause, jerk pause) that was the problem, but I don't recall having that issue before. Does anyone have any thoughts on why they were foul hooked or lost? I suspect that on the ones that were lost, the back set of treble hooks was in the skin and just pulled. I'm not used to losing that many reds, but I seldom use the mirrodine targeting reds. This was the pattern I was using:


Next year (if they open it again) I'll get the kayaks out there.

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Re: MacDill Follow Up - and a question about redfish...

Post by GILs_GONE_WILD »

"Note to self".... don't sign up to fish MacDill!! :shock:

"Only the half-mad are wholly alive." ~~~ Edward Abbey
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Re: MacDill Follow Up - and a question about redfish...

Post by 22acrowd »

GILs_GONE_WILD wrote:"Note to self".... don't sign up to fish MacDill!! :shock:
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Re: MacDill Follow Up - and a question about redfish...

Post by Blindmullet »

Sounds like Weedon with less boats.
Team Pro Bass "Fishing Legendz"
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