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Low Cost Seat Riser - Take Two

Posted: Mon Jan 31, 2011 8:53 pm
by Manning
My first shot at making an el-cheapo seat riser for my Ultimate worked, but was not as solid as I would have liked. The seat could rock from side to side just a little. I found an old boogie board to use as my material for the new riser. It was just 2 inches thick which was perfect since the riser is supposed to be 6 inches thick. Here is the riser. It is 18" X 11" X 6" just like the real thing. It works great!

Re: Low Cost Seat Riser - Take Two

Posted: Fri Feb 11, 2011 9:44 am
by Sakana
Looks great to me! Good way to reuse something! I am thinking of something for my canoe - might can use your idea - thanks.

Re: Low Cost Seat Riser - Take Two

Posted: Sun Feb 13, 2011 5:33 pm
by DaveR
Here's mine via a suggestion from Rik.
Not seen is some strips or carpet I glued to the top and bottom so as to cut down on noise. I screwed the seat to the riser because I can't see myself ever paddling without the riser.

Low Cost Seat Riser - Take Two

Posted: Sun Feb 13, 2011 8:42 pm
by Rik
Added benefit of the PVC tubes is they're a great storage spot for a fifth of rum

Re: Low Cost Seat Riser - Take Two

Posted: Mon Feb 14, 2011 11:46 pm
by Manning
DaveR that looks great and should be very stable. Does it bring the seat pan right up under the side rails? My foam block I built putts the seat pan tight up against the under side of the rails.

Re: Low Cost Seat Riser - Take Two

Posted: Tue Feb 15, 2011 8:21 am
by Rik
No, it doesn't. I first did that PVC deal with 3" pipe. I decided to go up to 4" pipe and that is when Dave made his. Ddidn't feel any loss of stability so 5" pipe may be coming soon.

Re: Low Cost Seat Riser - Take Two

Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2012 3:31 pm
by Manning
Thought I would up date this old thread with some new info. Last summer I found a used buggy board when I was at the beach in Ocean City, Md. No I did not mug some kid and steal his board. It was in the trash because the slick deck had peeled off. My old riser worked pretty good and I used it for over a year, but since the one section of the board pieces was slightly shorter than the others it felt like the seat rocked a little. So here is the new and improved version using 2 sections from the new donor buggy board and one of the originals. This thing is now rock solid. FYI I saw buggy boards in Sam's Club today very similar to the one I found for $26.

Re: Low Cost Seat Riser - Take Two

Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2012 4:10 pm
by Rik
Manning wrote:buggy board
buggy = boogie

After looking up buggy board, I gotta ask Steve, are you getting another one?

Re: Low Cost Seat Riser - Take Two

Posted: Wed Apr 04, 2012 3:07 pm
by Manning
Rik wrote:
Manning wrote:buggy board
buggy = boogie

After looking up buggy board, I gotta ask Steve, are you getting another one?

Spelling definitely is not my strong suite and I kind of thought that looked wrong when I wrote it. One of the nice things about this forum is that you and ALWAYS count on someone letting you know when you screw up. :D