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Yohan's RTM Tango

Posted: Thu Jul 01, 2010 7:18 pm
by yohan1973
RTM Tango

Width: 31"
Weight:53lbs manufacture Mine is 59!

This is my backup/freshwater yak. I do not like over rigged kayaks so I rigged this one real simple. It is rigged a with Scott anchor trolley system, petsmart retractable dog walking leash for the anchor line,1 scott rod holder mount, and 1 ram rod holder. This is my setup for the fresh water yak so I also have some other anchor options rigged up aswell. The Tango is a nice little kayak for freshwater lakes and creeks. It is agile, responsive, and very stable. I can stand on it but not cast while standing. There are no flat surfaced to aid in balancing. On windy days this kayak shines. It is NOT easily pushed around by the wind, Unlike my OK Scupper pro. The plastic is thick and can take a real beating however, that also makes it a heavy kayak. Most of the trips I use this on are less than 8 miles so the fact that it's internal storage sucks. It has ONE hatch that acesses the hull. That hatch is only a 6 inch hatch. The tank well makes up for it though as it is large and deep enough to swallow my water tight bags easily. My biggest gripe about this kayak is its center hatch. The hatch itself is a self contained bowl with a lid that essentially sits into a 10inch scupper. The lip/ bezel of this bowl has a gasket that SHOULD form a watertight bond. It doesn't. Without jerry rigging it you will quickly take on water into the cockpit from around the bezel. Of course, I have jerry rigged mine with plenty of sealant.

Pros: Agile and quite

Cons:heavy for it's length. The center hatch leaks