Lemon Bay 11-3-09

Flamingo to Big Bend
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Lemon Bay 11-3-09

Post by Pmoconnor89 »

Put in with no real plan, just to paddle and fish and relax and enjoy a little bit of time off from work and school. Seems like the days with no plan always provide the best fishing...

Right off the bat I caught a 12 inch flounder, my first both from a kayak and on artifical. He ate an exude dart.


Paddled a different direction then I'm used to from that point, and found a lot of trout in oddly shallow water for trout... from 1 and a half to 2 feet. Never caught consistent trout that shallow before, but I'm definitely not complaining!


Caught trout pretty consistently for about a half an hour, between a bone super spook jr and a sebile stick shad. Biggest was 17, most were 14-15. There were mullet everywhere... finger mullet and jumpers alike. This guy is who showed me where the trout were...


The wind decided to pick up, so I decided to let it push me back to where I came from. I caught a few more trout on the way, nothing special, but they definitely loved the sebile.

I got curious and started to throw the dart again to see if the sebile was what was catching the trout, or if they were just hungry. To my suprise I pulled in a 17 inch flounder, my second from the kayak. Sorry no picture on that one...

Getting bored of trout, I decided to paddle over to a spot I consistently find redfish. They were there, probably 8-10 of them working an edge. Unfortunately I didn't realize they were there until I was right on top of them and spooked them outta there :x .

Pretty mad and starting to get tired, I started to make the paddle back to the launch. Along the way I made a cast right along the last mangrove point before getting to the launch. Something took the sebile, and took it hard. It swam right at me, realized it was hooked, and gunned it the other way. My drag screamed, and I had to cup the spool when i looked down and saw some of my backing :shock: . I got it turned around and started winning the fight. I realized it was pulling me along at a pretty good clip, so I threw the anchor down while i was still in shallow water, planning ahead for possibly having to jump in to land whatever it was. I got it real close to the kayak but before I could see what it was it darted underneath me, doubling my rod over... and SNAP. broken right underneath the third eye... luckily the line stayed in tact. After about 7-8 minutes of fighting with half a rod, and the other half dangling between me and the fish, I landed a beautiful 26 inch 6 and a half pound red. It was quite a peice of work on my trout rod, a 7 foot medium lite action with a 2500 size reel.


All in all a good day on the water, I feel like I learn or see something new every time.
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Post by Tide1on »

Great report!
Sorry to hear about the broken rod though.
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Post by gatordave »

I was out there yesterday and managed to find some pompano in the 4 to 5 Lbs. range
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Post by SILVER K »

Sound like someone had a great day on the water. WTG.
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Post by americanrobster »

Great work. Sometimes it sure is nice to take a break from work and school.

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Post by Pmoconnor89 »

Same place, same time today. Slightly different conditions, no clouds and a bit stronger winds. Started off slow with a small jack being it for the first hour, got mad and decided to paddle back. In the process of paddling back, I managed my first slam, a 16 inch trout coming first, a 16 inch red promptly following, and a 22 inch snook on my last cast of the day. No pictures since all I had was my phone camera, and they were small anyways. Still an awesome feeling to finally grab all three species in one trip, I've had plenty of slam days before and plenty of trips just missing one but never went full circle. All fish were caught on a sebile stick shadd.
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