Malibu Stealth 14

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Malibu Stealth 14

Post by Heywood »


Let me start by saying that I am sponsored by Malibu Kayaks.

Malibu Stealth 14

Length: 14'4"
Weight: 64 lbs
Width:(at beam) 33”
Max. load: 550 lbs.

Tracking - Tracks very well into a headwind or cross wind. With slight adjustments of your paddle, you can keep a straight course. Downwind, it wants to turn into the wind, its not bad, but you do have to work at it. Keeping a straight course into the wind was really easy.
Speed - Compared to my old kayak (Heritage Marguesa 14) its just a bit slower. I think a change in paddle will help that out. (I have more of a touring blade) I noticed about a 1.5 mph loss. I was still able to out run my fellow paddlers this weekend, even loaded down with camping gear.
Turning - Turns on a dime, even in the wind. While paddling in clam or slight winds, I noticed that I just had to think about turning in a direction, and I found myself turning or tracking in the direction I wanted to go.
Stability - If you want to be able to stand and sight fish, then this is your kayak. Hands down the most stable kayak I have ever been in. Since you sit just below the standing platform, I used my wading rope to pull myself upright. Now, I'm a big guy. 6'2" 240lbs and once up I couldn’t believe how stable it was. You can stand on the side hatches or on top of the live well, doesn’t matter. You can even stand sideways (like a surf board) and drift with the wind and cast. I was able to catch two really nice redfish on a flat I cannot wade due to the muddy bottom. Sight casting is awesome.
Hull Slap - There is some hull slap. Not as bad as a X-Factor, buts its there. I will tell you this though, while standing and drifting, there is some slap coming from the back. The fish don’t seem to mind it at all. I spotted at least 2 dozen reds and they were not spooked by the slap, more like me casting to them, the lure hitting to close.....
Weight - It is a heavy boat, around 65 lbs or so. No problems loading it up on my Thule rack.
Poling - Your going to need a good 10' pole of some sort. It is tough to pole into the wind, especially into a head wind. I had a soft bottom, so I was getting the pole stuck and stopping my forward progress. Once going though, by leaning in the opposite direction you want to turn, it turns towards the direction you want to go.
Storage - Where to begin. Plenty of storage, on my weekend camping trip I carried a small grill, small cooler, sleeping bag, change of clothes, folding chair, all my fishing stuff. The small compartments on either side of the live well offer more storage as well. The right one has a small compartment, the left one opens into the hull. They will get water in them, as it collects on the top of the hatch and when opened it dumps into them.
There is a large storage hatch just behind the seat that can be used for numerous things, you could store all your tackle trays there. It has a dry bag inside, so the possibilities are endless.
Rod Holders - 4 flush mounted rod holders, 2 front and 2 rear. The front ones are useless for trolling, your paddle will hit them. Maybe for live bait fisherman, they would be OK for drifting along. They do interfere with your paddle and stake out pole. When strapped to the kayak, those items will not lay flush to the side of the hull.

Over all, my impression of this kayak is good. If you want a kayak to stand up in and sight cast or fly fish, then this is it.
Last edited by Heywood on Mon May 11, 2009 7:45 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by finatic »

Looks like a pretty sweet ride. You'll have to let me paddle it next time we're out.
Thanks for the review!
The artist formally known as Snookfinatic
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