Video cameras and video editing software

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Video cameras and video editing software

Post by Rooster »

Not exactly photography there someone who can help me....

I'm looking to open up my sealed box of creativity, and start putting it to use! I have all kinds of crazy ideas stirring up in my strange, misunderstood collage of a mind, and I hope to give people a glimpse of what goes on in that little screwed up brain of mine, and use my creative side....Accedemically, my mind is useless....creatively, I got something going on, lol! To get my Ideas flowing, I'm looking into getting into a video camera, one that is capeable of shooting each frame individally, to make short films using a process similar to how they film the show "robot Chicken" on Cartoon Network's "adult swim". I need a little direction on what forms of camera's I need to get the job done, and also advice on good forms of video editing software. So I can take all these Ideas and run with them... I know allot of you are expert photographers and know your equipment pretty well, so I figured I'd ask some of you
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Post by Blindmullet »

The hard drive models don't shoot as clear so you can save on a mini-DV. Editing program - more you spend the better the breakdown. We use Dartfish at work to breakdown the movement of million dollar athletes. Thats the highend - some of the $100 programs should be fine for something you would be doing. I bought Nero for my home use and seems to work fine and is user friendly.

Hard drive cameras are easy to transfer to computer and DVD - but lack the quality of video.
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