7-11-06~Another (short) "Shark" Report...

Flamingo to Big Bend
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7-11-06~Another (short) "Shark" Report...

Post by cubs83 »

7-11-06~Another (short) "Shark" Report...

Went to the same spot last night with the same group of guys and Mike's son Shawn who has yet to ever catch a decent shark. We had hoped for shark after setting our baits out at 7 PM.


We didn't have any action until 11 o'clock when my 9/0 started going off. I only heard the clicker for a brief second before seeing my rod in the holder launch into the water with me following it. After jumping in to grab the rod I hooked into the biggest shark I have ever had at the end of my line without a doubt.

We have 3 guesses:

A large hammerhead (10+foot in length)
A large Bull over 8 foot
A large tiger over 8 foot

Whatever it was pulled like something I've never had before. It got well into my backing before the line breaking near the leader (rocks?). The reel was hot to the touch with the drag screaming while locked down. Bait was a 3 # jack head half.

We saw a few snook cruising the surf and lazily tossed a frozen spanish sardine out on the Penn 7500 and a few minutes later little Shawn was hooked up to a nice snook. After a good fight he landed this 38" snook all by himself. First ever snook...the kid doesn't even know how big it really was :)

Snook was taken out of the water for a quick photo op and revived by Shawn and released...



Our buddy Craig also got a nice 29-30 incher a little while later...

A little bummed to lose that huge shark...but we'll be back!
–verb (used with object)
1. to remove (a plant) from one place and plant it in another.
2. to move from one place to another.
3. to bring (a family, colony, etc.) from one country, region, etc., to another for settlement; relocate.
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Location: Clearwater, FL

Post by mikeB »

I always enjoy your posts. The smile on the kids face says it all.

Good on you, keep 'em coming.
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